People stunned after learning how often the average person has sex

Whether you’re single or happily in a long-term relationship, you may have wondered whether you’re getting jiggy in the sheets more or less than other people.

GettyImages-482913205.jpgThe amount of times the average person gets intimate has been revealed. Credit: Tom Merton/Getty Images

Getting intimate can be an important part of any relationship, but the amount of times people get between the sheets can vary greatly, for many reasons from personal desire right down to logistics.

And even within relationships, the amount of sex couples have can fluctuate over the years, so it’s no wonder many people question whether or not they’re getting freaky more or less than the average person.

Well, that amount has been revealed and it’s left people pretty stunned.

In 2022, a TikToker went viral after sharing the magic number, and many of his followers were left trying to catch up.

GettyImages-489088775.jpgHow many times a couple gets between the sheets can vary greatly. Credit: PeopleImages/Getty Images

Daniel Schaal, who goes by the handle @thatschaalfolks, explained: “The average person has sex 54 times a year or so, looks like the next few days are gonna be pretty crazy for me.”

Yep, that’s over once a week, every week, all year.

Many people shared their shock at the stat, writing: “Apparently the average person has sex 54 times a year. Not sure I’m ready for the next three days.”

Someone else wrote: “Average human has sex 54 times a year. This 2 weeks of December about to go crazy.”

Another added: “they say the average adult has sex 54 times a year. November and December are apparently going to be awesome.”

One viewer joked: “Well I’ll certainly be below average on yet another thing.”

Of course, sex isn’t the be-all and end-all of a relationship, and there can be many reasons why people don’t get freaky as often as the average.

GettyImages-1125912442.jpgThere are ways to reignite the spark and hit that target. Credit: DMP/Getty Images

There are many other ways couples can enjoy intimacy, from spending time together, to physical touch, or simply doing thoughtful things to make the other happy.

A 2017 study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found the average adult has sex around once a week, which around nine times less than a similar study showed in the 1990s.

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a New York City-based clinical psychologist, shared the importance of a healthy sex life within a relationship, telling NBC News: “Closeness and connection is a human need.

“When in a long-term relationship it’s important to reconnect through sex. The brain chemicals released during sex further enhance bonding.”

Of course, if the desire in your relationship has started to wane, there are ways to prioritize more intimate time with your other half.

From scheduling in one-on-one time together to speaking openly about your needs and desires, to speaking to a sex therapist to work through underlying issues, there are many ways to reignite that spark.

And, you never know, there still could be plenty of time to hit that 54 mark this year if you really commit to it.

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